media 10 African American note

Production: creating and distributing mediated images or text.

Content: mediated text or images.

Audience: who engage, consume, or interact with media.

Media literacy: the ability to critically understand media content, structure, and power. The ability to control the interpretation rather than controlled by interpretation.

Social cognitive theory: Media enforces people’s values and believes and influences people’s behavior.

Cultivation theory: Television change people’s attitudes. The more the more.

Priming theory: media images stimulate related thoughts in the minds.

Critical Race Theory: Derrick Bell and Allan Freeman, 1970. Give voice to the substance of racial experience. Race should be the center of media analysis.

Hegemony Theory: The domination of a cultural diverse society by the ruling class who manipulate the culture.

Culture: Characteristic features and behaviors of a group.

Encoding: Producers place conscious and unconscious meanings into contents.

Decoding: receivers make sense of contents depending on their own knowledge.

Stereotype: a sweeping generalization about a group.

Ethnicity: people with common social, ancestral, or national experience.

Media Functions in Society:

Surveillance: The media monitors the information and send it out. Purpose: informing, educating, and entertaining.

Gatekeepers: Gatekeepers filter the contents.

Interpretation: Media explain things happened in society.

Transmission of culture: Media spread social norms from one generation to the next.


African Americans:

Slavery: 1619 – 1874. Citizen: free white. 1964 civil rights act stopped discrimination.

Jim Crow law: Segregation law in the southern United States. 1890 separate but equal. 1964 civil rights movement. Ended in 1965.

Mammy: Wide grin, jolly laugh, loyal servant, happy to be a slave, desexualized, overweight, very dark skin, no husband, taking care of white kids.

Coon: easily frightened, lazy, avoid work, inarticulate, slow.

Sambo: simple minded, childlike, musical, loyal, happy to be a slave, benefit from being a slave.

Current depiction:

Criminals: twice as likely as whites to be portrayed as criminals. 12 of US population.

Race: a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics.