media 10 Sexual Orientation note

Sexual Orientation: individual’s physical or emotional attraction to same or opposite gender. Gay lesbian bisexual straight.

Gender Fluid: a gender identity which varies over time. Has nothing to do with genitalia or sexual orientation.

Gender identity: personal conception of oneself as male, female, or others.

Gender expression: the ways in which people manifest masculinity or femininity.

Transgender: people whose gender identity is different from the assigned gender.

Sexuality: is who you are attracted to sexually. Gay, lesbian, straight, and bisexual.

Queer Theory: focuses on mismatches between sex, gender and desire. It challenged the validity and consistency of heteronormative discourse.

2013 the Supreme Court overturned a key provision (DOMA Defense of Marriage Act), which banned gay marriage, declaring it was unconstitutional.

Then (EDNA) Employment Nondiscrimination Act was passed in 2013, which protects gay people from workplace discrimination (federal level).

2015 supreme court: gay marriage is a constitutional right.

1969 New York police target gay clubs which serving liquor without license. It was illegal to sell gay alcohol. Stonewall Protest.

2015 legal in California gay marriage. 1969 gay club, New York. started to fight police.  A openly gay actor: Evan Adam.

Obama is the first president to mention gay in America. Production Codes in 1930 which prevented sexual display.

Homosexual men were often dress designers and choreographers who often had tiny mustaches.

Lesbians, mannish prison guard. Illegal to say a character was gay. Homosocial Groups: all male spaces such as sports teams.

1950 link homosexuality with communism to repress gay people. 1971 All in the Family  the first TV sitcom to depict a gay character.

1983 All My Children features the first gay story line on daytime television.

Latino culture is defined primarily through the use of Spanish, not all Latinos speak Spanish, not all Latinos are from Mexico.

Hispanic: a native of Spain residing in the United States. Hispanic is not defined by race but cultures of different Spain Colonies.

Latino: people from Latin America Some people have strong preference Latino or Hispanic

Mexicans controlled by Spanish for more than 300 hundred years. Hispanic/Latino communities have different dialect

Mexico independent 1810, 1846 to 1847 Mexican–American War Texas, California, New Mexica, Arizona, and Nevada. 1861 The second French intervention in Mexico. 1940 southwest cities segregated schools

American Academy Award 1961 actress: Rita Moreno country: Puerto Rico film: West Side Story Won description: First Puerto Rican to be nominated and win for Best Supporting Actress

stereotypes of Hispanic Americans started during American-Mexican War. US president James K Polk declared war on Mexico. New states: California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Texas. First stereotypes: Mexicans are only good for cheap labor.

During the California Gold Rush, 25,000 Mexicans arrived in California. Many Mexicans miners succeeded. Whites considered their success as threat. Between 1848 and 1860, at least 163 Mexicans were killed in California.


Greaser: oily, dark, mustache, bandit(robber)  early

1 violent, cruel, mean, (Tony the Greaser, Broncho Billy and the Greaser, The Greaser’s Revenge)

2 shiftless, lazy, lay in the sun under his sombrero all day

1922 Mexico banned Hollywood films that stereotyped Latinos. Hollywood compromised.

Latin Lover  later

Emotional hot-bloodied sexual male and female, lighter skin

Other stereotypes: thugs, gangbangers, servants, laborers, childish/immature, stupid/naive, and aggressive.

Cartoon Speedy Gonzalez, 50 to 70, slowpoke Rodriguez is more offensive, who was the lazy and drunk sidekick of Speedy.

Modern stereotypes: ether gangsters, maids, or laborers, illegal immigrates. LA, Latino = Mexican. Wetbacks who swam across the Rio Grande River into Texas. Live in run-down and dirty homes. over-packed cars. flirtatious and freaky, PDA. Promiscuous. teen girl mums. Drop-outs. Catholics. Dancers. Can’t read or speak English.

Good Neighbor Policy: federal programs to celebrate US ties with Latin American nations. President Franklin Roosevel, 1933, promised to improve relations, right to vote. non-intervention.

1960’s Civil Rights Movement, The Nosotros media watchdog group improved Latin images. Chicano Movement