What esl professor asks me to write

Your Beloved Technology Companies Are Destroying People’s Lives

The virtual world is destroying people’s lives while the greedy tech companies try to steal every single penny out of people’s pockets. The products they promote are not accessible for young people. They are expensive and the time it takes to gain the rewards is too long. Young people who live luxurious virtual lives are poor. They waste considerably money and time to sustain their ridiculous life styles. As a society, we should do something about the source of the problem – video games. The governments can help solve this problem by regulating the product contents, making what they offer to young people more affordable, and constraining how long it takes to gain the rewards.

As technology companies are creating highly addictive video games, it’s extremely hard to help young people addicted to Internet while they are surrounded by digital devices. Heavy gamers suffer from major depression, anxiety, and aggression. According to Kardaras, Minecraft can turn a kind little boy into a rage monster (Kardaras 2). In addition, excessive gaming can have irreversible impact on young people’s brains. According to Carr, a study has shown that playing video games promotes more automatic thinking and it has long-term effects on our brains which may be deadly (Carr 3). People should take actions and fight against Internet addiction.

The best way to protect young people from Internet addiction is that the governments regulate the gaming industry so that young people will never spend lots of money and time on gaming. First, technology companies should make their virtual merchandise in the game more affordable or free of charge. For example, one gamer loves a video games called DNF. He eats instant noodle for every meal to save money for his dream weapon so that he can show off his high end arms to his friends. If he could purchase his dream weapon for several pennies, he can invest his money on education and business. Second, game developers should make it less time consuming to get awards in video games. For instance, to get certain rewards, many gamers do the same boring gaming routine even they are sick of playing through the same level. A DNF player need to play through a level more than 50 times to get an armor. It’s hard for a gamer who spend hundreds of hours playing the same game to leave all his achievements behind. If gamers can get every awards in an hour, gamers will not feel obliged to the game and have more time for their real lives.

Some people thinks that people should simply stop buying video games that are addictive, and then, without customer, technology companies who develop addictive games would go bankrupt in the hope that internet addiction would diminish gradually. However, this solution has two major drawback. To begin with, customers can’t distinguish addictive games from others by staring at the packages or watching the introduction videos. They will purchase addictive video games and addicted to them even if they intentionally avoid them. Not to mention that wishing upon a star that people are better than themselves is always a bad solution. Heavy gamers will spend money and time on addictive games even if everyone opposes to do so.

Regulations on video games’ affordability and time consumption can free millions of gamers from greedy technology companies. People should spread the message and raise the awareness of the public to save the young generation.



Works cited

Carr, Nicholas. “Does the Internet Make You Dumber?” wsj.com. 5 June 2010. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.

Kardaras, Nicholas. “It’s ‘digital heroin’: How screens turn kids into psychotic junkies.” nypost.com. 27 Aug. 2016. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.