Public bathroom

There are so many things that bother me, the huge orange baby, the wall, and the lizard man, but when it comes to what bugs me the most. it’s definitely the public bathrooms. All the international students might have noticed, in the bathroom partitions, there are huge gaps between the wall and the door. Like WHAT THE F? I have heard so many horror stories about the gaps, little kids peeking through the door when you are doing your business, people passing stuff in when you are enjoying your intimate time with your smartphone.

Chinese public bathroom is even worse. If you have been to China, you might have been victimized by Chinese squat toilet. First, there is no freaking toilet paper in the bathroom. You are supposed to bring your own. One time, I forgot to bring my own toilet paper. With my shitty butt hanging in the air, I turned to reddit for help, cause reddit knows everything, right? One person suggested that I could try to rub my butt against the wall. The other claimed that a stone works better. The most feasible way was to sacrifice my underwear and I did just that. From then on, I always remembered to carry a spare pair of underwear with me. The most horrible part of the Chinese public bathroom is the squat toilet. When you are squatting, doing your business, you are supposed to pull your pants all the way down to your knees. Many newbies do not know that. When the pants are not all the way down, your phone might slip down your pocket while your pockets are upside down. People make so many sacrifices to the evil god of the squat toilet every year. I think that is the reason why the smartphone industry is booming in China.


Jokes are copied from reddit and